How to Soften a Leather Jacket – Supple Look Tips


Beautiful leather jackets are timeless and graceful. They always add a twist to your boring outfit ideas. People who love wearing leather jackets, must know about the maintenance of it. You have to know how to soften a leather jacket. Knowing the proper technique will add extra rugged charm to the jacket.

There are so many ways to soften your favourite leather jacket. It includes how to soften a leather jacket with coconut oil. Leather jackets sometimes become so delicate due to the harsh chemicals and weather.

Here in this guide, we are going to tell you how to soften leather motorcycle jackets at home. Well, it comes in a regular and daily wear leather jacket, so all the treatments done for other leather jackets are applicable to motorcycle jackets as well.

How to Soften a Leather Jacket with Coconut

If we talk about the easiest way to soften the leather jacket, then traditional ways are the winners. To learn how to soften a leather jacket, you must know how to do it with coconut oil. It is an excellent technique to get rid of stubborn hardness in the leather jacket.

If you do not know how to soften a leather jacket, Let coconut oil play its role. It is a simple process. All you need is organic coconut oil and a clean soft cloth.

Prepare the Leather

How to soften a leather jacket is a headache. But thanks to coconut oil. It is the best way to learn how to soften an old, stiff leather jacket. Make sure the jacket is free of dust and dirt. So, now all set! Bring the coconut oil into the game. And of course, trust the process.

Apply Coconut Oil

Always start with a small quantity. Rub the oil gently and try not to be harsh with the jacket. It is the best way if you are looking to know how to soften a leather jacket at home. Massage the leather jacket’s surface for a good 10 minutes. 

Let the oil penetrate properly into the jacket. It will nourish the fibres. This method will help if you are wondering how to soften a leather jacket.

Allow Absorption

Once the oil has adequately penetrated the leather jacket, now, let the jacket sit for a few more hours. It will allow the coconut oil to be absorbed deeply. Tell me if there is a more convenient tip for how to soften a leather jacket.

Buff the Leather Jacket

Now, after giving all the nourishment to your beautiful leather jacket, use a clean and soft cloth to gently buff your leather jacket. It is an excellent way to remove any excess oil and here your polished and refreshed soft and supple leather jacket is ready.

Keep in mind to always use organic coconut oil. You can also do a patch test before the procedure. Here is a tip: Always apply oil sparingly so your leather jacket doesn’t get damaged. Next time if anyone asks you how to soften a leather jacket? Tell them about coconut oil therapy.

How to Soften a Stiff Leather Jacket


If you are looking for a quick solution. Then, please sit back and leave it all on us. First of all, remember that softening a leather jacket involves some valuable techniques, and you can restore the softness and suppleness.

How to soften a stiff leather jacket! Well, it is chaos. A soft and supple leather jacket gives you an aesthetic feel. Right?. So, here we have some excellent ideas about how to soften a leather jacket:

Apply Leather Conditioner

Wondering how to soften a leather jacket at home, okay. Have you tried leather conditioner therapy? If not, do it today to give your leather jacket a supple life. Use a high-quality leather conditioner and apply in small quantities.

Leave it for some time and let it dry. We can conclude that your anxiety about how to soften a leather jacket is gone! Because your leather jacket is all set to rock and roll!

Warmth Treatment

This method is helpful if you want to know how to soften a leather jacket. For this, treat your leather jacket with some heat by hanging it in a steamy bathroom. Be mindful that it is not in too close proximity with heat or water. The steam will relax the fibres and your jacket becomes soft. 

You can use a hairdryer alternatively. Again, maintain a safe distance between your leather jacket and hairdryer.

Massage and Flexibility

Massaging is the ultimate tip if you want to know how to soften a new leather jacket. New leather jackets are so soft and supple that they can easily come to their original texture by massaging. There might be some stiff spots that need flexibility. You can flex the jacket by rolling it and hence you can achieve a flexible leather jacket.

How to Soften Faux Leather Jacket

Well, learning how to soften faux leather jackets? Firstly, these are not original leather jackets. Faux leather jackets are highly recommended if you are unwilling to spend bucks on an original one. But the downside is, they tend to tear and peel. And they also become stiff often. For that, keeping it in its original shape and texture is crucial.

You can use the same things as mentioned earlier. But here are some unique hacks as well for how to soften a leather jacket!

Moisturiser Game Changer

It is a unique way to soften a leather jacket. Some leather jackets are super stiff, their hardness needs to be soft and supple. You have to apply a small amount of any lotion or moisturiser over the entire surface of the leather jacket. Now, allow it to set. Your faux leather jacket is now more pliable.

Keep in mind faux leather is less durable than an original leather jacket. It might get damaged from excessive treatments. So, be careful while dealing with faux leather jackets.

How to Soften a Leather Coat

Now, leather coats have been trending since the day they were invented. But the problem is the same: how to soften a leather coat! Well, there is a tip to restore the suppleness of the leather coat.

Leather Coat Shiner

There are many leather coat shiners available in the market. They generate the suppleness and a top-notch look to the coat. So, fret not! Buy your leather coat a shiner, and have fun.

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