How to Store a Leather Jacket: Tips


Getting a new leather jacket is great, but have you ever thought about keeping them safe and storing them in an appropriate place? We are going to tell you some best practices for storing leather jackets.

Storing Leather Jackets: Best Practices

We all have our favourite leather jacket, right? And we feel super exhausted when that particular one leather jacket is not stored properly. Well, fret not. We have some tips for you on how to store a leather jacket. Let’s get into this.

How to Store Leather Jacket When Not in Use

Firstly, you have to clean it properly so that no stain or impurities are left on its surface. You can use any soft, damp cloth for this purpose. If you know how to store a leather jacket, you are an artist. Once you are done with this technique, let it dry in a fresh breeze. Now, apply a leather-friendly conditioner on it and lock its moisture. This method will keep your favourite leather jacket supple.

After all these steps, find an appropriate hanger so that your favourite leather jacket can be hung properly. It would be best if you did not use the wire hangers as they cause the creases. Now, cover the jacket with any breathable garment. You can use a broad bed sheet for this and cover the jacket completely. It will prevent the jacket from dust and other impurities from settling.

Make sure the area where you are storing your leather jacket has a good air circulation so that your leather jacket does not catch mould. It is very important to know how to store a leather jacket. Keep a check on your leather jacket to make sure it is in good condition.

When you are learning how to store a leather jacket, remember leather jackets need to breathe and never store them in an airtight box for a very long time.

How to Store Leather Jacket in Suitcase

When you are deciding to store your leather jacket in a suitcase for a prolonged time , be sure to condition the jacket. This method will increase the life of your leather jacket and prepare it for storage. Now, fold it if necessary. We hope you are getting the points on how to store a leather jacket so far. Now, fold the jacket along with your jacket’s natural creases. This method will reduce the chances of wrinkles and damage.

You can also use the padding method like placing soft garments inside the jacket. It will prevent scratches or abrasions. Place the jacket comfortably, and do not put unnecessary pressure on it. Make sure your suitcase is dry and moisture-free. When you arrive at your destination or even at home, unpack the jacket often to let it air out. Hope this works in a journey of how to store a leather jacket.

How to Store Faux Leather Jacket

How to store a leather jacket especially the faux ones. Just like any other leather jacket, faux leather jackets also demand air and cleaning. For the faux leather jackets, you do not need the conditioning. These jackets are synthetic, and they do not easily absorb the moisture. You can use any padded hanger to hang this jacket. A padded hanger will keep it in shape and avoid misshaping.

You can also cover it with a cotton cloth to protect it from dust and dirt. Here is a note: do not wrap these jackets in plastic wrap. Plastic wraps might develop moisture and cause damage. Ensure proper air circulation in the storage area. Remember, in a journey of how to store a leather jacket, good air circulation can prevent faux leather jackets from developing mildew and musty odours.

Faux leather jackets do not require the care the genuine leather jackets do. But, keep in mind to store it in a proper place and regular checking can be beneficial.

Best Hanger for Leather Jacket


Storing your leather jacket is an art, but using the right hanger is an even bigger art. Here are the best tips for you on how to store a leather jacket. Here, we are going to tell you some amazing tricks to get hangers for hanging leather jackets.

  • Padded Hangers for Leather Jackets
  • Wooden Hangers for Leather Jackets
  • Wide or Curved Hangers for Leather Jackets
  • Avoid Wire Hangers for Leather Jackets

Padded Hangers for Leather Jackets

These hangers are ideal because they come with cushioning and highly support the jacket. The shoulders and the surface of the leather jacket do not get creases with the padded hangers. So, padded hangers are a good option.

Wooden Hangers for Leather Jacket

These sturdy wooden hangers are especially wide and broad. They do work and can easily store the jacket. These are a good source to support a leather jacket and are less likely to cause creases and wrinkles marks on the surface of the leather jacket.

Wide Hangers for Leather Jackets

Such hangers are the natural shape of shoulders and are highly recommended. These help in maintaining the leather jacket in its original form. Wide hangers distribute all the weight of the jacket equally and evenly. Hence, the stress on specific areas is reduced, and the leather jacket maintains its shape.

Avoid Wire Hangers for Leather Jackets

There is a reason behind avoiding wire hangers. These hangers create the marks and misshapen the whole look of leather jackets. If you hang leather jackets on wire hangers for a long time, they will lose their beauty and charm. For that reason, wire hangers are strictly forbidden and a big NO!

Remember, while choosing a hanger, go for the one that matches the size and shape of your beautiful leather jacket. A proper hanger is really helpful in maintaining the original shape and texture of the leather jacket.

With that being said, looking for some best leather jackets in town? Click here and enjoy the coolest leather jackets for yourself.


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